Google Scholar Profile
When the weak are mighty: A two-sided matching approach to alliance performance
D Fudge Kamal, F Honore, C Nistor, Strategic Management Journal, May, 2021
"Empirical studies of financial outcomes have focused on archival financial databases (in 55.9% of articles reporting financial outcomes). Though the wide accessibility of these data sources makes them popular, they raise validity concerns. Stock market returns reflect investors’ predictions about future events, while firm-wide accounting metrics from commonly-used large datasets suffer from limitations associated with disentangling alliance-related contributions from non-alliance related contributions. Recently, it is welcome to see scholars reaching beyond traditional contexts to find novel financial measures offering potential to disentangle effects at different levels and mitigate certain validity concerns—for example, auction prices of foal sharing contracts (Fudge Kamal, Honoré, & Nistor, 2021)." (Ryan-Charleton, et al. 2022, Academy of Management Annals,
Mutual and exclusive: Dyadic sources of trust in interorganizational exchange
B McEvily, A Zaheer, D Fudge Kamal, Organization Science 28 (1), 74-92
A Zaheer, D Fudge Kamal, Journal of International Business Studies 42 (1), 48-55
Unrequited: Asymmetry in interorganizational trust
ME Graebner, F Lumineau, D Fudge Kamal, Strategic Organization, May 2020
Recognizing and resolving social dilemmas in supply chain public–private partnerships
MW McCarter, D Fudge Kamal, Journal of Business Logistics 34 (4), 360-372
Models of intragroup conflict in management: A literature review
MW McCarter, KA Wade-Benzoni, D Fudge Kamal, H Min Bang, Steven J Hyde, Reshma Maredia, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2020
Coming out ahead while losing a partner: the Thoroughbred industry stays on course
D Fudge Kamal, C Nistor, C Sinha, Journal of Business Strategy, 2023
Like a jar of flies? A study of self-control in an organizational social dilemma with large stakes
MW McCarter, JR Clark, D Fudge Kamal, A Winn, PLOS ONE, 2018
S Hyde, E Bachura, D Fudge Kamal, M Thornton-Lugo, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2021
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